Get Your Polygenic Risk Score
Learn About Alzheimer’s Genetic Screening.
The Alzheimer’s Risk Test is a genetic test that analyses patient genotypes generated from an array of over 100,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms – genetic variants – that are associated with elevated or reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Get Your Polygenic Risk Score
Learn About Alzheimer’s Genetic Screening.
Test and Consultation: $1250
For complete at-home test and 60-minute consultation.
Local or virtual appointments available.
How does it work?
- The Alzheimer’s Risk Test is an established test that can assess the genetic risk of cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s disease from a simple saliva sample.
- The test can help individuals with cognitive concerns to assess their future risk of cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s disease. It can also provide greater insight into the risk of cognitive decline in existing patients.
- The test only requires a saliva sample. An easy-to-use saliva collection device enables elderly and vulnerable patients to provide a sample from home if they are not wishing or easily able to attend a healthcare setting.
- This test will help you to better understand your genetic risk of cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s disease.
- A sample of your DNA is analysed against over 100,000 specific variants in your DNA associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The readout from the test also takes account of your age and sex.
- The test will also report on APOE status – a known risk factor in Alzheimer’s.
- Only a physician can order the Alzheimer’s Risk Test for you.
Everything You Get:
When you order the Advanced Polygenic Alzheimer’s Test package.
Advanced Genetic Testing
It has never been this easy, and this is the most sophisticated gene-based test for Alzheimer’s risk available.
At-Home Convenience
The test kit is sent directly to your home and only requires a few drops of saliva.
Receive your results in 4-6 weeks plus a personal report analysis and consultation with Dr. Cohen.
Personal Consultation
During your consultation with Dr. Cohen, we will discuss the results of your test. We will answer your questions and provide clarity on next steps.
We will address your lifestyle and family history as well as your test results, so we can have a comprehensive view of your genetic and lifestyle risks.
(15 min pretest and 15 min post test, including retakes genetic patient report )
Meet With Us Remotely
If you are not able to travel, or not within convenient driving distance to our clinic in Thousand Oaks, CA, this is a great opportunity to screen for Alzheimer’s risk from home, with expert guidance from us.
Personalized Intervention Plan
A personalized “Lifestyle Prescription” intervention plan will be made for you based on your test results and history. You will receive advice on nutrition, diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors.
We can suggest what testing to do next, and will provide you with an individualized plan to help reduce your risks of developing dementia. We believe this offering provides the most thorough understanding of the genetic and lifestyle risks of dementia available anywhere.
Testing Has Never Been More Convenient.
Early Intervention Is Critical
Early Signs:
By the time a patient gets diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the pathology in the brain has been degenerating for about 20 years. If we could educate the population on the need for proactive action, we could reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s significantly. 20 years before diagnosis, the patient knows something is wrong but no one else suspects anything. If we could start treatment at this preclinical stage, the descent into cognitive decline can be completely prevented.
Stop the Progression:
The subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) stage lasts about 10 years. The decline in cognition has begun but it is easy to reverse it during this stage. Unfortunately, most people don’t do anything about it. The next stage is called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) but the name is a complete misnomer. According to Dr. Bredesen, this stage should be called advanced stage Alzheimer’s. It is still possible to reverse many symptoms but it becomes progressively harder and results take longer to achieve.
Alzheimer’s Kills:
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. This disease kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Over 11 million people provide unpaid care for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. In the last two decades, deaths from heart disease have decreased by 7.3% while deaths from Alzheimer’s have increased by 145%.