Drs. Cohen and Dudley work in partnership with patients in the treatment of neurological conditions and other issue.
Dr. Cohen and Dudley specialize in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Alzheimer diagnosis and prognosis
- ALS / Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Ataxia
- Back pain
- Bell’s palsy (facial nerve palsy)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS)
- Cervicobrachial syndrome
- Choreoatetosis
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Dementia
- Devic’s syndrome (also known as Devic’s disease and Neuromyelitis Optica)
- Dizziness, vertigo
- Dystonia (blepharospasm, writer’s cramp, torticollis, hemifacial spasm)
- EMG/NCS – electromyography and nerve conduction studies
- Gait problems
- Headache/migraines, Trigeminal neuralgia
- Huntington’s disease
- Idiopathis intracranial hypertension (“pseudotumor cerebri”)
- Lateral Epicondylitis (also known as Tennis Elbow)
- Lewy body disease
- Medial Epicondylitis (also known as Golfer’s Elbow)
- Memory Testing for memory impairment (Neurotrax computerised)
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Migraine prevention
- Memory Testing for memory impairment (Neurotrax computerised)
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Migraine prevention
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Myasthenia gravis
- Myoclonus
- Myopathies
- Narcolepsy, catalplexy
- Neck pain
- Nerve condution studies
- Neuropathy
- Nonepileptic seizures (non-epileptic seizures)
- Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)
- Nystagmus
- Parkinson’s disease
- Postconcussion syndrome
- Postherpetic neuralgia
- Pregnancy and epilepsy
- Progressive supranuclear palsy
- Pronator teres syndrome
- Radiculopathy
- REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Seizures (epilepsy)
- Skin Nerve Biopsy
- Spasmodic dysphonia
- Spasticity
- Stiff person syndrome
- Stroke
- Stroke prevention
- Syncopy
- Tremor in hands/head (essential and familial tremor)
- Wilson disease
- LDN (low dose naltrexone) for autoimmune conditions and fibromyalgia
- CBD therapy
Liliana Cohen. M.D. practices functional neurology
Dr. Liliana Cohen specializes in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Fatigue
- Memory impairment and dementia, including Alzheimer’s dementia
- Parkinson ‘s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders
- Gait imbalance
- Migraine headaches and atypical headaches
- Depression/Anxiety
- Autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto
- Adrenal fatigue